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Is It Time to Replace My Brooks, GA, Thermostat?

Chances are that you only think about the thermostat in your Brooks, GA, home when you want to change or check the temperature. If you don’t often think about your control, you may not realize that a faulty or outdated thermostat can cause problems. Below are several signs that it’s time to replace your home’s thermostat.

Blank Display

A blank screen can be from any number of items, such as a tripped circuit breaker or a blown fuse, both of which are easy to fix. If the fuses or circuits aren’t the problems, a heating repair technician can check if the thermostat is dirty. If the technician finds that the problem is a dirty thermostat, they can use compressed air to clean the wires and check to see if there are any issues with the wiring.

Faulty Readings

If you have your thermostat installed in an area where the temperature has regular fluctuations, such as the laundry room, kitchen, by a door or window, then that plays a part in how your control operates. If your control is in an optimal space on an interior wall and you still see faulty control readings, then the problem is likely with the control itself, and you will need a replace your control.

No Response to Thermostat Changes

When you adjust your control to change the temperature, you should hear clicking sounds before your HVAC system immediately responds. If you raise the temperature on the control and your HVAC system doesn’t come on, or if you lower it and your HVAC system doesn’t turn off, then you may need to replace your thermostat.

You Have an Older Thermostat

Modern thermostats have a lifespan of about 10 years, after which they lose their efficiency and need replacing. If you have a non-programmable control, or even a needle control, it’s past time to upgrade. A programmable thermostat not only takes care of your HVAC system but can also tell you when to schedule maintenance, adapt to your schedule, and more.

Don’t let an older control get in the way of greater energy efficiency, comfort and convenience. Contact Trinity Air Heating & Cooling today to learn more about how thermostat maintenance can give you complete control of your Brooks, GA, HVAC system.

Image provided by iStock

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